Rabbi Gottlieb to Present at Digital Judaism at NYU Center for Religion and Media


April, 25 2013 | 5:00 – 7:00pm | 19 Washington Square North, New York, United States, 10003



How have digital technologies entered Jewish life, changing ideas of moral authority, community, gender, education and more? This panel discusses how social media  — Jewish gaming, Hasidic blogging,  Orthodox Facebook sites are changing ideas of moral authority, community, gendered subjectivity and more, while transforming possibilities for Jewish communities  in the worlds around them.

To register for this event, please RSVP here


We Kiss Books, We Waltz with iPads:  Embodied and Locative Jewish learning Practices in the Digital Age

RACHEL WAGNER (Religion, Ithaca College)
Mitzvot Mash-Up: Interactivity as Transformative Interpretation

AYALA FADER (Anthropology, Fordham)
Moral Panic in Brooklyn: Jewish Bloggers, Heretics and Skeptics?

Discussant: JEFFREY SHANDLER (Jewish Studies, Rutgers)

Moderator: FAYE GINSBURG (Anthropology, NYU/Center for Religion and Media/Center for Media, Culture and History)


Co-sponsors : NYU Abu Dhabi. With generous support from the Henry R. Luce initiative on Religion & International Affairs.


photo: courtesy, frumsatire.net via Heshy Fried

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You Can’t Wrap Herring in an iPad by Owen Gottlieb


You Can’t Wrap Herring in an iPad:  Digitization of Sacred Jewish Books, The Stripping of Embodied Ritual, and Implications for Jewish Education

By Owen Gottlieb

Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR), Spring 2013

The Jewish people’s relationship with the printed book and page is performed and propagated though embodied book rituals, including the burial and covering of books, and the kissing of books. With the shift to digital texts come questions of practice, such as: “Should I kiss my iPad when I’m done praying?” The task for Jewish educators is to help the Jewish community understand the way in which book rituals have carried and communicated crucial defining Jewish values.

Topic: TraditionEducatorsReligious ObservanceJewish TextTeachers

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Name of Publication: CCAR Journal: The Reform Jewish Quarterly

Genre: Article

Language: English

Copyright Holder: Publisher

Copyright Information: Download for personal use, freely distribute link

Bibliographic Information:
Gottlieb, Owen. You Can’t Wrap Herring in an iPad: Digitization of Sacred Jewish Books, the Stripping of Embodied Ritual, and Implications for Jewish Education. CCAR Journal: The Reform Jewish Quarterly. Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR). Spring 2013: http://www.bjpa.org/Publications/details.cfm?PublicationID=16372