Religious Action Center :: RACBlog: “Choose Life, If You and Your Offspring Would Live”

I wrote this via the RAC blog post below Dec 4 –  prior to the current changes to the bill regarding coverage of pre-existing conditions – I am only in favor of changes that do not price citizens out of coverage for pre-existing conditions. I do not believe we will have progress without a public option and competition for the insurance companies.


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“Choose Life, If You and Your Offspring Would Live”

Owen Gottlieb is a fifth year rabbinical student at HUC-JIR.

Deuteronomy 30:19: “I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day: I have put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life — if you and your offspring would live.”

We as a nation have a crucial choice ahead of us. Many lives hang in the balance. Will our friends, loved ones, and neighbors in this country have access to health care in the years to come?

How many of us have had friends and loved ones deprived of health care due to a ruling by their insurance company? I have a friend whose health insurance premiums are nearly $300 a month, yet the insurance won’t pay for more than $500 of tests a year. Now that my friend has had a single MRI, there is no more coverage for tests his doctor orders.


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How many of us have friends and loved ones who have lost a job, and are at risk once their COBRA runs out because they will be stamped with a “pre-existing condition?” And then denied coverage by any company. I have a friend whose “pre-existing condition” is Multiple Sclerosis. He lost his job and was down to his last months of COBRA, soon to be classified as “pre-ex.” He managed to find a new job just in time – a lifeline, without which he could not have afforded thousands of dollars of medication to keep him alive.

But that was in the late 1990s. Nowadays, finding a job is far less easy and many more of our neighbors, friends, and loved ones are unemployed – and will be unemployed. For a long time.

How many of us have had their medication removed from the insurance company formulary?

How many of us know of people who were dropped from their insurance once they found out they had a serious illness?

Since the mid-1970s, the Union for Reform Judaism has called for a “national comprehensive prepaid single benefit standard health insurance with no deductible, to cover prevention, treatment and rehabilitation in all fields of health care,” and the Central Conference of American Rabbis has called on Congress to “enact a comprehensive national health insurance program.”

Of course everyone deserves health care. America is the last industrialized nation without universal health care.

We have an obligation to save lives and an obligation to choose life. We must reform our health care system starting today. Please call or email your Senator today in support of health care reform.

Posted by Religious Action Center on December 4, 2009 4:31 PM | Permalink


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